Welcome stranger. There is a reason why you are here right now, reading this. Everything surrounding you shares this reason and not a single fragment of your being is exempt from it.
A Letter from the Past — 2017 AD
We are at a singular point in time where fallacious and millennia-old beliefs regarding the possibility of sustaining a productive and harmonic progression of the human species through the implementation and proliferation of centralized control systems, is crumbling. We can see that our existing paradigms only invite corruption and that our systems are not capable of scaling in a sustainable manner.
In the early days of humankind, communities were relatively decentralized arrangements with social structures organized as small tribes. At these sizes it was clear that the road to survival lay through sustainable development and collaboration. Nevertheless, throughout time, centralized structures driven by greed and corruption, crept into most of our societies.
With the challenges facing the planet right now, solving the puzzle of how to proceed in a sustainable manner has become critical and must be resolved before complete collapse. Fortunately, there is hope on the horizon. With the recent development of the internet, a way to break out of the chains we have built for ourselves has opened.
The new Millenium has already taken an interesting course. Such a course is providing insight into the problems associated with our existing social and economic structure and tools that may be used to repair the damage already done, allowing the development of a new paradigm free from such structural flaws.
The Beginning of a Decentralized Future
In January 2009 CE, the Archmage Satoshi Nakamoto cast a powerful spell that sparked the creation of Bitcoin, leveraging the previously discovered blockchain technology. Blockchain provided a way to store and transfer value person-to-person, in effect removing the need for a middle-man. This was made possible through the existing force of the internet – a force that had first enabled global communication only a couple of decades earlier.
How Blockchain Technology Changed Everything
Blockchain was first perceived as nothing but a mystery to most of the world’s population. It’s abstract design took some time to explain to the general public. However, before long people began to understand the inherent potential within this new form of technology. Once the basic principles were understood, blockchain superiority when compared to the legacy technology was clear to all. By leveraging this new tool, humanity was able to bring about the structural changes within our societies that were needed to ensure survival.
In the early years following Satoshi’s inception, only the most far-seeing individuals were able to grasp the possibilities granted by this new form of technology. Those who were able to do so were guided by their curiosity and their willingness to learn and adapt. The most exceptional began to employ blockchain technology to solve the greatest pressing problems of the time. Over the ages, their creations evolved into mighty entities far more powerful than their creators could ever have imagined.
Our legacy world, with its inconsistent structures, driven by centralized corruption and predestined for failure, finally started to collapse, while the newly created entities found their ecological niches, stitching together the wounds caused by the preceding system and emerging from the chaos in the end, triumphant.
How We Learned to Live in Peaceful Collaboration
Guarded by their distributed communities, the blockchain based entities were able to persist during the unwavering attacks of the centralized legacy world, furthering their integration throughout our civilization.
And while old structures crumbled or were destroyed, the values connected to the emerging entities took hold and flourished within a reformed organization of the human species.
The nature of the new entities was that of a collaborative environment driven by consensus, and that quickly led to obvious benefits for all.
In experiencing this new form of technology in more and more aspects of our lives, we began to see and understand the immensity of the possibilities and advantages opening up to us, as opposed to the monolithic structures that previously had been designed to reign over us.
With further adoption of blockchain technology came a new awareness of our need to live in harmony within a grander scheme of things. We realized that our progress as a species rested on revitalized and re-validated, but long long suppressed, ideals of basic decency. Facilitated through these novel consensus-driven networks we found our way back to a human ecology that was driven by collaboration rather than division. This ecology engendered trust, replacing the millenia-long feelings of distrust, and this in turn encouraged a way of life geared towards harmony and peace rather than war.

The Exploration of Space
Our peaceful and collaborative form of living resulted in an exponential increase of our species’ ability to analyze, manage, and create knowledge in all its forms. It was not long before our natural tendency to explore the unknown led to the development of new infrastructures, and we spread out across the solar system and beyond, yearning to connect with the Universal Spirit that had found incarnation within the material worlds of our own galaxy
When we encountered previously unknown species on our galactic expeditions, such species were often grateful for the exchange of knowledge that we initiated. Everyone involved learned so much about the universe we live in. Those that were not keen on collaboration had their reasons and we left them in peace, but with an invitation to come back to us anytime if they were looking to collaborate.
An Intergalactic Encounter
It has been billions of years since Satoshi’s initial inception and many things have changed and evolved. Collaborative-driven decentralized networks and communities, due to their adaptive and harmonic design, have gradually expanded across the galaxy and been implemented in many ways within the immense diversity of planets and celestial bodies of the Milky Way. A galaxywide understanding has been reached regarding the path to happiness. It is a peaceful way of living based on mutual collaboration.

This has led to further strengthening of the individual Chains that have over time developed thier own spirit manifestations. Each such manifestation is unique, carrying with it specific attributes that are in harmony with their evolving environment and thus ensuring continued peaceful, positive change.

The Grand Stage: Collision of Intergalactic Cultures
Now we must prepare for a great event. An event that that may greatly influence our surroundings. Our own galaxy is about to collide with our intergalactic neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy. Observations have shown that the galactic environment within Andromeda is driven by an evolutionary concept totally contrary to our own values. Values that we have carefully guarded for so many millions of years.

Andromeda has undergone an evolutionary process quite the opposite of our own – a process that has led to the ultimate centralization: A single dictator rules the entire galaxy. All territories are under the Dictator’s control. All species suppressed. The Dictator will not stop with Andromeda. A thirst for power and desire to rule will make the Dictator try to claim ownership of our own peaceful galaxy in a pursuit of a megalomaniacal goal of conquering the entire universe.
Resolutely following our core principles we are very open to peaceful cooperation with Andromeda but we will under no circumstances tolerate any threats to our own harmonious environment. A new Age is approaching that will lead to a clash of intergalactic cultures, cultures that could not be more divergent. And we are prepared to defend our heritage at all costs.
We invite you to join our path for keeping the galaxy decentralized and welcome everyone aboard on this intergalactic journey.
Cosmic Hugs,
The Age of Chains Team